NYSE: DOCN Stock Forecast 2022, 2023

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    DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc focuses on offering businesses worldwide web hosting and VPS hosting services to turn itself into a digital cloud for companies. Nonetheless, most people know this company due to its stock value. This platform got into the NYSE stock exchange, and it has been publicly traded as DOCN since then. 

    DOCN is currently at $28.7, and although many analysts consider it an overvalued stock, others say it’s a safe investment. Are you wondering if you should invest in this stock? You’ve landed on the right page! Read on to learn what analysts predict will be of DOCN in the following years.

    It’s worth noting that analysts have given DOCN an average rating of Hold, but its stats when talking about revenue have gotten 36.51% higher in September. As for net income, DOCN is 645.19% higher, which is one of the reasons why traders started thinking about investing in this stock.

    DOCN Overview

    DOCN is currently on a high, and its current share value is $28,17. This stock was on a bad streak in the last months but was trying to recover from that. In July, for example, DOCN was $10.62, which is 38.39% less than what it is today. Nonetheless, DOCN was getting better market turnouts since its price got 11.92% higher in October. 

    Analysts consider DOCN to be excellent regarding equity and predict a forecast high in null years. Regardless of that, this stock is most likely going to deliver a lower return on assets than other stocks when compared to the infrastructure industry average.

    Getting to the stock’s revenue forecast, you can expect it to grow a lot in the next three years. DOCN will have a 20.69% growth rate yearly. If you compare it to the infrastructure industry average, DOCN’s growth rate is 10.14% better than it since the industry average’s rate is only 10.55%. The U.S. market average is 6.77%, which is also lower than DOCNs.

    Source: Digitalocean Holdings Stock Forecast & Predictions: 1Y Price Target $41.88 | Buy or Sell NYSE: DOCN 2022 | WallStreetZen

    Three out of nine Wall Street Analysts consider DOCN an excellent buy, two of them think it’s a decent one, other two think you should have it as a Hold, and the rest say it’s a strong sell at the moment. NYSE: DOCN is 8.35% higher from a $26.00 52-week low and 73.52% lower from a $106.40 52-week high.

    DOCN Stock Forecast 2023

    Wall Street analysts looking forward to predicting how DOCN will go in 2023 need to issue 12-month price goals for this company’s shares. The share forecast for this stock the next year goes from $27.00 to $63.00.

    Regarding an average goal for DOCN, analysts predict it will get to $42.42 in the next 12 months. This means they expect this stock to get an upside of 50.6% from the current price it has on the market.

    Some predictions also state DOCN will go on a low from February to April to start going up when May starts. Analysts expect DOCN to stay on and up until the end of the year, so it will be a great year for this company on the stock market. 

    The volatility of this stock will stay stable throughout the year with 21.68% being the highest volatility rate in 2023 and the lowest being 7.10%.

    Source: DigitalOcean Holdings (DOCN) stock forecast for 2023. Forecast tables and graphs. (pandaforecast.com) 

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    How To Buy DigitalOcean (NYSE:DOCN) Stock
    DigitalOcean, a prominent player in the cloud infrastructure market, has experienced consistent revenue growth and gained popularity among developers. Its affordable and user-friendly solutions have attracted a loyal customer base. With diverse investment options like stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, investors can tap into DigitalOcean’s success and leverage the promising growth potential of the cloud industry.

    DOCN Stock Forecast 2022 – Historical

    Although the year it’s about to end, it’s essential to study the current performance of DOCN in the stock market and how it will evolve over the time we have left to know how things will go in the future. According to Wall Street analysts, the average price target of DOCN is $30.30 with a high forecast of $63.00 and a low one of $28.18. This tells us NYSE: DOCN is currently on a low.

    Source: DOCN – DigitalOcean Holdings Inc Forecast – CNNMoney.com

    Regardless of the stock being on a low, it has still been getting higher for months, so you can expect it to become more valuable in the time we have left in the year. The net income of this stock was 444.77% lower in March, but its cost of revenue was 18.24% higher.

    Although DOCN’s EPS was missed by -40.07% in the first quarter of the year, it later beat it by 93.55% in the second and 65.87% in the third. DOCN started the year at a trading price of $80.33 and decreased by 64.9% across the year. 

    Price Analysis

    $28.17 is the current price of DOCN, and it’s been going up from previous months since it’s been on a low for a few months now. However, it’s not uncommon to see this happening since stocks often get to a low when investors can buy them to then go as high as they can.


    The best way to know which stocks are best for investment purposes is by reading studies of how assets will do in the following years. Stocks don’t work as cryptocurrencies, and you need an overview of what will happen to know if you should get them.

    NYSE: DOCN is still going up from the low it had in the past months, but that means it could only go up in the future. 

    As for 2023 and 2024, the revenue growth rate of this stock is top-tier, so most analysts expect DOCN to skyrocket in those years. Even if its growth won’t be as good in 2025, the predictions for this year are not bad at all. 

    Regardless of that, the best part of the predictions that analysts have regarding DOCN is how the stock will do long-term since it seems DOCN’s share value will highly increase by then. 


    There’s a lot of information to analyze when studying market predictions for a stock. Do you have any concerns about what you read here? These are some of the most frequently asked people have after reading this article: 

    What Is DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc?

    DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc is a cloud computing company that helps businesses work with an on-demand infrastructure for developers to build anything they want online. This business can help start-ups, big enterprises, and small businesses alike, and that’s what makes its stock so valuable. 
    Competitors offering the same services often have higher prices, so they never manage to outsell DigitalOcean. Naturally, the more people who hire this company and invest in its services, the better its stock does on the market. Some reviews show that the simplicity that the company offers with its products and services is appreciated by clients.

    Is NYSE: DOCN a Good Investment in 2022?

    History shows that even most professional investors have a hard time timing the market so the decision on when to enter into a position should depend on individual analysis and strategies. 

    It’s not that it will be bad to buy DOCN in the future, but how long to hold the stock is also agreed to be individual as some investors prefer holding stock long term while others try to benefit from capital appreciation. If investors wait a lot of time to buy DOCN, it may get way more expensive than it was in the first place.

    What Factors Should People Consider When Predicting the Future of DOCN?

    Predicting the market is not easy at all, but knowing what analysts consider when doing so helps you understand when paying for a stock is a safe investment or when you should start thinking about others. DOCN is not an exception to that.

    The first thing to know about stocks is how they did in the past, and that includes their share price, revenue growth rate, EPS, and volatility. Those factors are also essential when studying the path a stock follows on the market. Firstly, the revenue rate and share price of a stock tell you how that stock may do in the future.  

    There are certain risk measures that investors look at to gain an understanding of the stock volatility such as standard deviation, drawdown, etc. which can give some idea about the risk involved with the stock.

    Volatility is also something you should think about when investing in any digital asset out there. The market is highly volatile, and all the assets on it can be more or less stable. Regardless of that, DOCN has never been a volatile stock.  

    Will NYSE: DOCN Be a Decent Buy in 2030?

    Everything depends on how you see it, but some analysts think this stock won’t be a decent buy in 2023. The reason for this is not that it will be in a bad position or that it won’t be valuable but rather that it will be a better moment to sell your stocks rather than buy them. 

    Regardless of that, even if you get it for an expensive price, it’s never a bad thing to get a stock, as long as it has a decent forecast for the following years.

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