How To Buy Extra Space Storage (EXR) Stock

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    EXR is the stock issued by Extra Space Storage Inc., a company focused on providing space for self storage that operated in 41 states.

    The company is in the real estate industry, and consists of an investment trust. Extra Space Storage Inc. represents the second largest owner of spaces that can be rented out as self storage units.

    The variety of units offered comprises green solutions.

    The company went public in 2004 and it’s listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The associated stock goes under the ticker EXR, and was worth $12.5 during the IPO — Initial Public Offering — of the company.

    At the time of writing, the stock is traded at around $145.

    To understand how the company managed to increase the value of its stock, we will cover the main features of the stock, its past performance and provide you with information to buy EXR stocks thanks to an online broker.

    EXR Stock Key Features

    • EXR stock pays dividends
    • The stock is associated with the largest self storage management real estate company
    • As of May 2023, there are over 134 million outstanding shares of Extra Storage Space
    • The company has never split stocks
    • Among institutional investors, Vanguard Group Inc. owns over $3 million worth shares of Extra Space Storage Inc.

    Extra Space Storage Stock Over the Years – Review

    As many other stocks, EXR went through an almost complete market cycle in the past few years. 

    The effects of the pandemic also hit this stock, but it is important to say that the company has managed to share a strong financial report, and that a new announced acquisition might increase the value of this stock over time. 

    Moreover, EXR stock dividends continued to be paid to investors, in spite of different market phases, and they’re in line with the US market average. 

    Let’s see in detail the performance of EXR stock during the past five years.

    Extra Space Storage Stock in 2023

    New acquisition. In April 20223, Extra Space Storage announced that it will acquire Life Storage for almost $13 billion. The company would become the largest self-storage operator in the United States. The announcement caused a brief rebound, but the stock is currently moving in a natural sideways movement that buyers didn’t manage to overcome.

    Extra Space Storage Stock in 2022

    A natural downturn. 2022 saw the price of the stock starting dropping, after an impressive rally occurred in 2021. The price of the stock went from $219 to $147 by the end of the year. 

    The company continued sharing strong financial reports and paying dividends with a dividend yield percentage in line with the US market – slightly over 4%.

    Extra Space Storage Stock in 2021

    The year of the positive peak. 2021 represented, for many stocks, the year of the confirmation of a positive trend that started during the previous year and the reaching of the positive peak. 

    EXR makes no exception. The year started with a confirmation of the positive trend already in place, fueled by positive financial reports concerning the company. 

    The stock opened the year at around $110, and it managed to more than double the price on December 31, reaching over $226.

    Extra Space Storage Stock in 2020

    The effects of the pandemic. The negative effects of Covid-19 also hit EXR shares. 

    The stock reached its dip in March, at around $74. March was also the month of dividend payouts (0.90). 

    In February, the company shared a positive Earnings and Revenue report, with a positive surprise related to earnings (+5.39%), and a positive surprise related to revenue (+1.10%). 

    After March, the stock started recovering and continued sharing positive reports and to keep stable dividend payouts. 

    During 2020, the stock went from $104 to $115.

    Extra Space Storage Stock in 2019

    The beginning of a natural uptrend cycle. 

    2019 was the year in which EXR confirmed the validity of its natural upwards movement that followed a relatively long accumulation period. 

    The first Earnings & Revenue shared by the company for 2019 recorded positive earnings – with a positive surprise of almost +6% – and revenue slightly below expectations – -0.09%. 

    The first dividends were paid in March, and 2019 saw a considerable yield percentage – 3.37%.

    The stock went from $87 to $104 by the end of 2019.

    How To Invest In Extra Space Storage Shares

    Investing in shares of Extra Space Storage (EXR) is not the only way to get exposure to the stock of this company. 

    EXR is also part of different ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), which represent pools of investment securities. To mention some of these ETFs, EXR is part of the stocks held by iShares Trust or NuShares. 

    Another way to invest in EXR is represented by derivative contracts, in particular Contracts For Difference – CFDs: in this case, being them derivative financial instruments, investors wouldn’t own any shares of the company. 

    Another type of investment that involves EXR is options. Currently, investors and traders begin trading and investing in EXR options with expiration dates in June. 

    Options are particular financial instruments that give investors and traders the right to buy and sell EXR options at a specific price in the future, but they represent a more complex alternative if compared to stock investing. 

    In fact, today there are many regulated online brokers that mix intuitive user experience and a large variety of financial products. We will use a broker as an example to show how to invest in EXR stocks – eToro.

    How to Buy in the Extra Space Storage Shares Through eToro

    Being Extra Space Storage a publicly traded company, investors and traders can use regulated brokers to get access to its stocks.

    Among the several online brokers that list EXR, eToro is one of the available options.

    We will use it as an example of an online broker you can use to buy and EXR stocks, and provide a brief guide on how to complete your transactions if you choose to include EXR in your portfolio. 

    Step 1: New users need to open an account

    If you’ve never used eToro, the first step is opening a new personal account.

    By navigating the application of the broker or its official website, you’ll find the “Sign up” button. Click the link to access the registration form and fill it with your name, email and password. Alternatively, you can use one of your social accounts – namely Google and Facebook. 

    Open an Account

    Step 2: Identification process

    To complete your registration, you’ll need to upload the documents required by the broker – a proof of address (POA) and a proof of identity (POI). Once eToro verifies your documents, you’ll be ready to use the platform. This process allows the broker to operate in a regulated environment, according to rules regarding platforms that manage financial products. 

    Proof of identity

    Step 3: Fund your account

    To start investing and trading with eToro, you’ll need to deposit funds to your account. Click the “Deposit Funds” button and choose one of the available deposit methods.

    You can also set the currency and the amount you want to deposit.

    Make a Deposit

    Step 4: Search for EXR

    If you’re interested in the EXR stock, you’ll need to locate it. eToro offers countless investment products, but the search tab included in the platform allows you to find the stock you’re interested in by typing the ticket or the name of the company.

    Step 5: Invest in EXR

    After you find the stock, you’ll be able to see the specific stock page. From there, you’ll be able to trade or invest in EXR. You can either select the amount you want to spend or the amount of shares. All acquired assets will be included in your real portfolio – users will find both a real and a demo portfolio, but assets acquired with real funds will be added to the real portfolio.


    The company behind EXR stock, Extra Space Storage, is a company that has been able to show strong financial reports over time, and pay competitive dividends – considering the US average. 

    The stock, publicly traded after the IPO of 2004, is associated with one of the largest self-storage companies available in the market. 

    Analyzing the features of the stocks, investors and traders can realize that the performance of the  company managed to keep the value of the stock while avoiding financial strategies like stock splitting. The performance and features of this stock are just two of the topics we covered in this article, along with information on how to invest in EXR and the different investment products associated with the stock. 


    What was the low stock price for EXR in 2012?

    The lowest price of EXR in 2012 was recorded at the beginning of the year, with the stock closing at around $24.

    Why is EXR stock down?

    The stock market can be influenced by external market conditions. Currently, the global financial uncertainty might negatively affect stocks.

    Has Extra Space Storage ever split stocks?

    No, there’s currently no record of EXR stock split.

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    StockHax strives to provide unbiased and reliable information on cryptocurrency, finance, trading, and stocks. However, we cannot provide financial advice and urge users to do their own research and due diligence.

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